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Plants N - Nitrogen (118ml.) Plants N - Nitrogen (118ml.)
Content 0.118 Liter (58.47€ * / 1 Liter)
6.90€ * 8.90€ *
Plants N - Nitrogen (236ml.) Plants N - Nitrogen (236ml.)
Content 0.236 Liter (41.95€ * / 1 Liter)
9.90€ * 12.90€ *
Plants N - Nitrogen (473ml.) Plants N - Nitrogen (473ml.)
Content 0.473 Liter (31.50€ * / 1 Liter)
14.90€ * 16.90€ *
Plants P - Phosphorus (118ml.) Plants P - Phosphorus (118ml.)
Content 0.118 Liter (58.47€ * / 1 Liter)
6.90€ * 8.90€ *
Plants P - Phosphorus (236ml.) Plants P - Phosphorus (236ml.)
Content 0.236 Liter (41.95€ * / 1 Liter)
9.90€ * 12.90€ *
Plants P - Phosphorus (473ml.) Plants P - Phosphorus (473ml.)
Content 0.473 Liter (31.50€ * / 1 Liter)
14.90€ * 16.90€ *
Plants K - Potassium (118ml.) Plants K - Potassium (118ml.)
Content 0.118 Liter (58.47€ * / 1 Liter)
6.90€ * 8.90€ *
Plants K - Potassium (236ml.) Plants K - Potassium (236ml.)
Content 0.236 Liter (41.95€ * / 1 Liter)
9.90€ * 12.90€ *
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Plants N - Nitrogen (118ml.)
Plants N - Nitrogen (118ml.)
Plants N is a specially developed nitrogen fertilizer for all types of aquatic plants in freshwater aquaria. Plants N supports a magnificent plant growth and prevents a nitrogen deficiency of your aquatic plants in the long term. Plants...
Content 0.118 Liter (58.47€ * / 1 Liter)
6.90€ * 8.90€ *
Plants P - Phosphorus (118ml.)
Plants P - Phosphorus (118ml.)
Plants P is a specially developed phosphorus fertilizer for all types of aquatic plants in freshwater aquariums. Plants P supports magnificent plant growth and prevents phosphorus deficiency in your aquatic plants in the long term....
Content 0.118 Liter (58.47€ * / 1 Liter)
6.90€ * 8.90€ *
Plants K - Potassium (118ml.)
Plants K - Potassium (118ml.)
Plants K is a specially developed potassium fertilizer for all types of aquatic plants in freshwater aquariums. Plants K supports lush plant growth and prevents potassium deficiency in your aquatic plants in the long term. Plants K is...
Content 0.118 Liter (58.47€ * / 1 Liter)
6.90€ * 8.90€ *
Basic P - Phosphat-Erhöhung
Basic P - Phosphat-Erhöhung
Basic P - Phosphat-Erhöhung
Content 0.118 Liter (58.47€ * / 1 Liter)
From 6.90€ *
Basic N - Nitrat-Erhöhung
Basic N - Nitrat-Erhöhung
Basic N - Nitrat-Erhöhung
Content 0.118 Liter (58.47€ * / 1 Liter)
From 6.90€ *
Plants N - Nitrogen (236ml.)
Plants N - Nitrogen (236ml.)
Plants N is a specially developed nitrogen fertilizer for all types of aquatic plants in freshwater aquaria. Plants N supports a magnificent plant growth and prevents a nitrogen deficiency of your aquatic plants in the long term. Plants...
Content 0.236 Liter (41.95€ * / 1 Liter)
9.90€ * 12.90€ *
Plants P - Phosphorus (236ml.)
Plants P - Phosphorus (236ml.)
Plants P is a specially developed phosphorus fertilizer for all types of aquatic plants in freshwater aquariums. Plants P supports magnificent plant growth and prevents phosphorus deficiency in your aquatic plants in the long term....
Content 0.236 Liter (41.95€ * / 1 Liter)
9.90€ * 12.90€ *
Plants K - Potassium (236ml.)
Plants K - Potassium (236ml.)
Plants K is a specially developed potassium fertilizer for all types of aquatic plants in freshwater aquariums. Plants K supports lush plant growth and prevents potassium deficiency in your aquatic plants in the long term. Plants K is...
Content 0.236 Liter (41.95€ * / 1 Liter)
9.90€ * 12.90€ *
Bio-CO² - Kohlenstoffdünger für Pflanzen mit Bakterien
Bio-CO² - Kohlenstoffdünger für Pflanzen mit...
Bio-CO² - Kohlenstoffdünger für Pflanzen mit Bakterien Bio-CO2 ist eine speziell entwickelte mikrobielle Kohlenstoffquelle zur Steigerung der Gesundheit und des Wachstums der Pflanzen in Süßwasseraquarien. Bio-CO2 verbessert durch...
Content 0.118 Liter (83.90€ * / 1 Liter)
From 9.90€ *
Plants Fe - flüssiger Eisen Dünger für Pflanzen
Plants Fe - flüssiger Eisen Dünger für Pflanzen
Plants Fe - flüssiger Eisen Dünger für Pflanzen Plants Fe ist ein speziell entwickelter Eisendünger für alle Arten von Wasserpflanzen in Süßwasseraquarien. Plants Fe unterstützt einen üppigen Pflanzenwuchs und beugt einem Eisenmangel...
Content 0.118 Liter (83.90€ * / 1 Liter)
From 9.90€ *
NutriPlant 1 250ml aquarium plant fertilizer
NutriPlant 1 250ml aquarium plant fertilizer
NutriPlant 1 0 nitrate / 0 phosphate Complete fertilizer with iron, minerals and trace elements for aquarium plants. Plants need mineral nutrients in appropriate quantities to build up cells and tissues and to run their metabolism. The...
9.95€ *
NutriPlant 2 250ml aquarium plant fertilizer
NutriPlant 2 250ml aquarium plant fertilizer
with nitrate + phosphate Complete fertilizer with iron, minerals and trace elements for aquarium plants. Plants need mineral nutrients in appropriate quantities to build up cells and tissues and to run their metabolism. The plant...
9.95€ *
Plants Green - flüssiger Volldünger für Pflanzen
Plants Green - flüssiger Volldünger für Pflanzen
Plants Green - flüssiger Volldünger für Pflanzen Plants Green ist ein speziell entwickelter Pflanzenkomplettdünger für alle Arten von Wasserpflanzen. Plants Green sorgt durch seine einzigartige Zusammensetzung für prachtvolle, gesunde...
Content 0.236 Liter (58.90€ * / 1 Liter)
From 13.90€ *
Plants N - Nitrogen (473ml.)
Plants N - Nitrogen (473ml.)
Plants N is a specially developed nitrogen fertilizer for all types of aquatic plants in freshwater aquaria. Plants N supports a magnificent plant growth and prevents a nitrogen deficiency of your aquatic plants in the long term. Plants...
Content 0.473 Liter (31.50€ * / 1 Liter)
14.90€ * 16.90€ *
Plants P - Phosphorus (473ml.)
Plants P - Phosphorus (473ml.)
Plants P is a specially developed phosphorus fertilizer for all types of aquatic plants in freshwater aquariums. Plants P supports magnificent plant growth and prevents phosphorus deficiency in your aquatic plants in the long term....
Content 0.473 Liter (31.50€ * / 1 Liter)
14.90€ * 16.90€ *
Plants K - Potassium (473ml.)
Plants K - Potassium (473ml.)
Plants K is a specially developed potassium fertilizer for all types of aquatic plants in freshwater aquariums. Plants K supports lush plant growth and prevents potassium deficiency in your aquatic plants in the long term. Plants K is...
Content 0.473 Liter (31.50€ * / 1 Liter)
14.90€ * 16.90€ *
NutriPlant 1 500ml aquarium plant fertilizer
NutriPlant 1 500ml aquarium plant fertilizer
NutriPlant 1 0 nitrate / 0 phosphate Complete fertilizer with iron, minerals and trace elements for aquarium plants. Plants need mineral nutrients in appropriate quantities to build up cells and tissues and to run their metabolism. The...
15.75€ *
NutriPlant 2 500ml aquarium plant fertilizer
NutriPlant 2 500ml aquarium plant fertilizer
with nitrate + phosphate Complete fertilizer with iron, minerals and trace elements for aquarium plants. Plants need mineral nutrients in appropriate quantities to build up cells and tissues and to run their metabolism. The plant...
15.75€ *
Nitrat plus
Nitrat plus
Nitrat plus - Die Lösung für eine schnelle Erhöhung des Nitratwertes (NO3) UFI: 9RES-H1EP-A00S-5N4Y ACHTUNG ! Enthält Natriumnitrat Gefahrenhinweise H319 Verursacht schwere Augenreizung. · Sicherheitshinweise P264 Nach Gebrauch gründlich...
Content 0.5 Liter (31.90€ * / 1 Liter)
From 15.95€ *
Phosphat plus
Phosphat plus
Phosphat plus - Die Lösung für eine schnelle Erhöhung des Phosphatwertes (PO4) Bedingt durch moderne und effizientere Filtermethoden und starkes Korallenwachstum kommt es im Meerwasseraquarium oftmals zu einer Phosphatlimitierung (PO4 /...
Content 0.5 Liter (31.90€ * / 1 Liter)
From 15.95€ *
Nutrition N
Nutrition N
Nutrition N Nutrition N versorgt Ihre Riffbewohner mit einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher, leicht verwertbarer Stickstoffquellen. Diese bioaktiven Stickstoffkomplexe dienen nicht nur vielen Bakterien und Mikroorganismen als...
Content 0.5 Liter (33.80€ * / 1 Liter)
From 16.90€ *
Nutrition P
Nutrition P
Nutrition P Nutrition P beinhaltet biologisch verfügbaren Phosphor. Phosphor kommt als Regulator der Biomasse in einem Ökosystem eine Schlüsselrolle zu. Unter typischen aquaristischen Bedingungen (PO4- Wert kleiner als 0,025 mg/l) kann...
Content 0.5 Liter (33.80€ * / 1 Liter)
From 16.90€ *
Nutrition C
Nutrition C
Nutrition C Nutrition C erfüllt zwei wichtige Funktionen auf einmal: Es reduziert auf natürliche und biologische Weise zu hohe Nährstoffwerte (PO4, NO3). Es fördert durch die enthaltenden Nähr- und Pflegestoffe den Energiestoffwechsel...
Content 0.5 Liter (33.80€ * / 1 Liter)
From 16.90€ *
Phyto-Spezialdünger 165 ml
Phyto-Spezialdünger 165 ml
Produktinformationen "PlanktonPlus Phyto-Spezialdünger 165ml" Flüssigdünger speziell für alle PlanktonPlus Phytoplanktonarten. Gebrauchsfertig in der Dosierflasche zum direkten dosieren in die Planktonkultur. PlanktonPlus...
Content 0.165 Liter (120.61€ * / 1 Liter)
19.90€ *
1 From 2
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