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Marine de luxe 250ml - liquid coral food
Marine de luxe 250ml - liquid coral food
MARINE de luxe Coral Food The high-quality feed concentrate especially suitable for lower animals. High-quality ingredients ensure visible results in a short time with daily feeding. 250 ml bottle
6.90€ *
Calcinus elegans - blauschwarzer Eindsiedlerkrebs
Calcinus elegans - blauschwarzer Eindsiedlerkrebs
Calcinus elegans - blauschwarzer Eindsiedlerkrebs ©Foto: Riedell Größe: mittel
From 6.90€ * 7.90€ *
Chrysiptera leucopoma - Weißbinden-Riffbarsch
Chrysiptera leucopoma - Weißbinden-Riffbarsch
Chrysiptera leucopoma - Weißbinden-Riffbarsch ©Foto: Randall/Fishbase Vorkommen: Indonesien Papua Ernährung: Invertebraten (Wirbellose) Mysis (Schwebegarnelen) Ruderfußkrebse (Copepoden) Zooplankton (Tierisches Plankton) Maximale...
6.90€ *
Plantscaper - Sekundenkleber
Plantscaper - Sekundenkleber
Plantscaper - Sekundenkleber Noch nie war Kleben so einfach! Plantscaper Sekundenkleber eignet sich ideal zur einfachen und sicheren Verklebung von Pflanzen, wie z.B Moosen, oder Dekorationsgegenständen. Plantscaper Sekundenkleber...
Content 0.006 Kilogramm (1,150.00€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
From 6.90€ *
Caulerpa spec. - Algen, feinblättrig
Caulerpa spec. - Algen, feinblättrig
Caulerpa spec. - Algen, feinblättrig Die Algen der Art Caulerpa sind in Meereswasseraquarien gut zu halten und kultivieren. Häufig werden diese Algen in Artenbecken mit Seepferdchen eingesetzt Vorkommen: Australien Fidschi Indonesien...
6.95€ *
Caulerpa prolifera - Algen
Caulerpa prolifera - Algen
Caulerpa prolifera - Algen Vorkommen: Adria Ägypten Algerien Amerikanische Jungferninseln Bahamas Barbados Bermuda Brasilien Britische Jungferninseln Europäische Gewässer Fidschi Golf von Mexiko Indischer Ozean Israel Jamaika Kanarische...
6.95€ *
Caulerpa racemosa - Algen
Caulerpa racemosa - Algen
Caulerpa racemosa - Algen Vorkommen: Australien Great Barrier Riff Indischer Ozean Karibik Mittelmeer Neuseeland Ost-Pazifik Vietnam West-Pazifik Zentral-Pazifik Ernährung: Zooxanthellen / Licht Maximale Körpergröße: 10 cm Beckengrösse:...
6.95€ *
Chaetomorpha spec. - Drahtalge
Chaetomorpha spec. - Drahtalge
Chaetomorpha spec. - Drahtalge Vorkommen: Zirkumtropisch Ernährung: Zooxanthellen / Licht Maximale Körpergröße: 15 cm Beckengrösse: 50 L Temperatur: 23 - 28 °C Karbonathärte: 7,6-8,4
6.95€ *
Aquarien-Schutzhandschuhe 90cm
Aquarien-Schutzhandschuhe 90cm
Aquarien-Schutzhandschuhe 90cm
Content 1
6.95€ *
H2O 10" Sediment Kartusche für Osmoseanlage
H2O 10" Sediment Kartusche für Osmoseanlage
H2O 10" Sediment Kartusche für Osmoseanlage
Content 0.12
6.95€ *
Naturefood Premium Plant S 45g
Naturefood Premium Plant S 45g
Premium food for live-feeding toothcarps. Special food for guppies, platys, mollys, swordtails, sail carp and other viviparous toothcarps Naturefood PREMIUM PLANT contains valuable vegetable raw materials such as spinach, lucerne and sea...
Content 0.045 Kilogramm (155.33€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
6.99€ *
Naturefood Premium Plant M 45g
Naturefood Premium Plant M 45g
Premium food for live-feeding toothcarps. Special food for guppies, platys, mollys, swordtails, sail carp and other viviparous toothcarps Naturefood PREMIUM PLANT contains valuable vegetable raw materials such as spinach, lucerne and sea...
Content 0.045 Kilogramm (155.33€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
6.99€ *
Naturefood Premium shrimp mix 55g
Naturefood Premium shrimp mix 55g
Premium food for all shrimps With 30% vegetable raw vegetables, rice bran, lucerne, spinach and stinging nettle. Due to a low protein content the animals grow slowly. The moulting is also carried out without problems in water with a low...
Content 0.055 Kilogramm (127.09€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
6.99€ *
Naturefood Sticks for crabs XL 60g - and for crabs
Naturefood Sticks for crabs XL 60g - and for crabs
Premium food for all crabs and shrimps With 30% vegetable raw vegetables, rice bran, stinging nettle and natural colourings. All crabs and shrimps want to eat undisturbed. Therefore you need food sticks in suitable sizes with which they...
Content 0.06 Kilogramm (116.50€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
6.99€ *
Naturefood Sticks for crabs M 60g - and for crabs
Naturefood Sticks for crabs M 60g - and for crabs
Premium food for all crabs and shrimps With 30% vegetable raw vegetables, rice bran, stinging nettle and natural colourings. All crabs and shrimps want to eat undisturbed. Therefore you need food sticks in suitable sizes with which they...
Content 0.06 Kilogramm (116.50€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
6.99€ *
Naturefood Sticks for catfish 6 mm 60g
Naturefood Sticks for catfish 6 mm 60g
The premium food for all L-catfish The high-quality food sticks are adapted to the diet of L-catfish. Naturefood PREMIUM STICKS are excellently suited as extruded food, both for carnivorous species and for species that feed predominantly...
Content 0.06 Kilogramm (116.50€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
6.99€ *
Naturefood Premium Fancy M 60g
Naturefood Premium Fancy M 60g
Premium food for all veiltail goldfish. Contains 700mg/kg of vegetable dyes - after 4-6 weeks, magnificent colours! The high-reared forms of the goldfish are somewhat more sensitive than the parent form. They need a food specially...
Content 0.06 Kilogramm (116.50€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
6.99€ *
Naturefood Premium Fancy L 60g
Naturefood Premium Fancy L 60g
Premium food for all veiltail goldfish. Contains 700mg/kg of vegetable dyes - after 4-6 weeks, magnificent colours! The high-reared forms of the goldfish are somewhat more sensitive than the parent form. They need a food specially...
Content 0.06 Kilogramm (116.50€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
6.99€ *
Naturefood Premium Cichlid S 45g
Naturefood Premium Cichlid S 45g
The special food for East African cichlids. Malawi and Tanganyikacichlids are demanding fosterlings in phases of stress, such as acclimatisation, courtship or as wildcats. They need easily digestible, not too protein-rich food. PREMIUM...
Content 0.045 Kilogramm (155.33€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
6.99€ *
Naturefood Premium Cichlid M 45g
Naturefood Premium Cichlid M 45g
The special food for East African cichlids. Malawi and Tanganyikacichlids are demanding fosterlings in phases of stress, such as acclimatisation, courtship or as wildcats. They need easily digestible, not too protein-rich food. PREMIUM...
Content 0.045 Kilogramm (155.33€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
6.99€ *
Naturefood Premium Cichlid L 60g
Naturefood Premium Cichlid L 60g
The special food for East African cichlids. Malawi and Tanganyikacichlids are demanding fosterlings in phases of stress, such as acclimatisation, courtship or as wildcats. They need easily digestible, not too protein-rich food. PREMIUM...
Content 0.06 Kilogramm (116.50€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
6.99€ *
Naturefood Premium Cichlid Plant S 45g
Naturefood Premium Cichlid Plant S 45g
The special food for all herbivorous cichlids. With alfalfa, spinach and seaweed. Plus astaxanthin! Cichlids that eat plants and growth require a special diet. Especially Tropheus species from Lake Tanganyika are demanding fosterlings....
Content 0.045 Kilogramm (155.33€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
6.99€ *
Naturefood Premium Cichlid Plant M 40g
Naturefood Premium Cichlid Plant M 40g
The special food for all herbivorous cichlids. With alfalfa, spinach and seaweed. Plus astaxanthin! Cichlids that eat plants and growth require a special diet. Especially Tropheus species from Lake Tanganyika are demanding fosterlings....
Content 0.04 Kilogramm (174.75€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
6.99€ *
11 From 122
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