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10 From 122
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TM Refill pH Test Seawater
TM Refill pH Test Seawater
Refill for Tropic Marin pH Test Seawater
6.50€ *
Lunella coronata - Paradies-Schnecke (Algenfresser)
Lunella coronata - Paradies-Schnecke...
Lunella coronata - Paradies-Schnecke (Algenfresser) Vorkommen: Indonesien Indopazifik Japan Kenia Madagaskar Mosambik Ost-Afrika Persischer Golf Rotes Meer Süd-Afrika Tansania Ernährung: Algen Maximale Körpergröße: 2 - 4 cm Beckengrösse:...
6.50€ *
Amblyglyphidodon aureus - Goldener Riffbarsch, juv
Amblyglyphidodon aureus - Goldener Riffbarsch, juv
Amblyglyphidodon aureus - Goldener Riffbarsch, juv ©Foto: Teigler Vorkommen: Andamanensee Cookinseln Fidschi Guam Indischer Ozean Indonesien Indopazifik Japan Kiribati Malaysia Marshallinseln Mikronesien Neukaledonien Palau...
6.50€ *
Neoglyphidodon nigroris - Behns Riffbarsch, juv
Neoglyphidodon nigroris - Behns Riffbarsch, juv
Neoglyphidodon nigroris - Behns Riffbarsch, juv ©Foto: Randall/Fishbase Vorkommen: Ashmore- und Cartierinseln Andamanensee Australien Bali Banggai-Inseln Flores Great Barrier Riff Indonesien Japan Komodo Mikronesien Myanmar (ehem. Birma)...
6.50€ *
Neoglyphidodon melas - Gelbrücken-Riffbarsch, juv
Neoglyphidodon melas - Gelbrücken-Riffbarsch, juv
Neoglyphidodon melas - Gelbrücken-Riffbarsch, juv ©Foto: Randall/Fishbase Vorkommen: Ägypten Andamanensee Australien China Great Barrier Riff Indonesien Japan Jemen Jordanien Kenia La Réunion Madagaskar Mauritius Mikronesien Mosambik...
6.50€ *
Neopomacentrus cyanomos - Königliche Demoiselle
Neopomacentrus cyanomos - Königliche Demoiselle
Neopomacentrus cyanomos - Königliche Demoiselle ©Foto: Riedell Vorkommen: Afrika Australien Golf von Mexiko Hong Kong Invasive Spezies Japan La Réunion Madagaskar Mauritius Ost-Afrika Philippinen Rotes Meer Salomon-Inseln Seychellen Sri...
6.50€ *
Pomacentrus amboinensis - Ambon-Demoiselle
Pomacentrus amboinensis - Ambon-Demoiselle
Pomacentrus amboinensis - Ambon-Demoiselle ©Foto: Patzner/Fishbase Vorkommen: Mikronesien Neukaledonien Palau Philippinen Salomon-Inseln Vanuatu West-Pazifik Ernährung: Algen Artemia adult (Salzwasserkrebschen) Flockenfutter Frostfutter...
6.50€ *
Tankverschraubung Anschlussstück zur Verbindung des Aquariums mit dem Rohrsystem.
From 6.50€ *
VitaFlakes Flockenfutter
VitaFlakes Flockenfutter
VitaFlakes Flockenfutter Vita Flakes ist ein kaltgepresstes Flockenfutter zur optimalen Ernährung Ihrer Süßwasserfische. Durch die sehr hochwertigen und speziell aufeinander abgestimmten Inhaltsstoffe wird die natürliche Farbgebung und...
Content 0.03 Kilogramm (218.67€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
From 6.56€ *
Small extension module 500/1000
Small extension module 500/1000
6.60€ *
Easy Life 250 ml. - liquid filter medium
Easy Life 250 ml. - liquid filter medium
Easy-Life Filter Medium: 100% natural ingredients completely safe to use contains no chemicals, bacteria or other organic additives highly effective in fresh and marine water aquariums, ponds and paludariums, solves a variety of...
Content 0.25 Liter (26.40€ * / 1 Liter)
6.60€ *
Angle 45° da50 - PVC moulding
Angle 45° da50 - PVC moulding
PVC angle 45° for pipe diameter 50 mm
6.60€ *
Premium Wafers
Premium Wafers
Naturefood Premium Wafers Das Premium-Ergänzungsfutter für Pflanzen und Aufwuchs fressende Zierfische Naturefood PREMIUM WAFERS sind auf die Ernährung von Pflanzen und Aufwuchs fressende Zierfische, speziell für L-Welse, abgestimmt. Die...
Content 0.025 Kilogramm (266.40€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
6.66€ *
carbolit 500 g/1.25 l, 1.5 mm pellets - activated carbon
carbolit 500 g/1.25 l, 1.5 mm pellets -...
carbolit is a highly effective pelleted activated carbon for freshwater and marine aquariums. carbolit quickly clears aquarium water and removes colourings, turbidity and residues of medication. Yellow substances that can accumulate in...
Content 1.25 Liter (5.36€ * / 1 Liter)
6.70€ *
T-piece 90° da50 - PVC moulding
T-piece 90° da50 - PVC moulding
PVC T-piece 90° for pipe diameter 50 mm
6.80€ *
Test solution 35 ppm for refractometer 60 ml
Test solution 35 ppm for refractometer 60 ml
Test solution for calibrating refractometers. A refractometer must be calibrated regularly to provide reliable results. WEEE:
6.87€ *
Extension module 300
Extension module 300
6.90€ *
Plants N - Nitrogen (118ml.)
Plants N - Nitrogen (118ml.)
Plants N is a specially developed nitrogen fertilizer for all types of aquatic plants in freshwater aquaria. Plants N supports a magnificent plant growth and prevents a nitrogen deficiency of your aquatic plants in the long term. Plants...
Content 0.118 Liter (58.47€ * / 1 Liter)
6.90€ * 8.90€ *
Plants P - Phosphorus (118ml.)
Plants P - Phosphorus (118ml.)
Plants P is a specially developed phosphorus fertilizer for all types of aquatic plants in freshwater aquariums. Plants P supports magnificent plant growth and prevents phosphorus deficiency in your aquatic plants in the long term....
Content 0.118 Liter (58.47€ * / 1 Liter)
6.90€ * 8.90€ *
Plants K - Potassium (118ml.)
Plants K - Potassium (118ml.)
Plants K is a specially developed potassium fertilizer for all types of aquatic plants in freshwater aquariums. Plants K supports lush plant growth and prevents potassium deficiency in your aquatic plants in the long term. Plants K is...
Content 0.118 Liter (58.47€ * / 1 Liter)
6.90€ * 8.90€ *
Carbopure (activated carbon) (500 ml. / 243 g)
Carbopure (activated carbon) (500 ml. / 243 g)
Carbopure is a steam-activated, pelleted and acid-washed premium activated carbon for crystal clear water in marine and freshwater aquariums. Due to its complex adsorption surface of 1000 m2/g, Carbopure enables the rapid removal of...
Content 0.5 Liter (13.80€ * / 1 Liter)
6.90€ * 9.90€ *
Iron Fe (118ml.)
Iron Fe (118ml.)
Iron Fe is a specially developed iron additive with pH stabilizer for all marine aquariums. Iron Fe prevents iron deficiency, improves the polyp appearance and natural colouring of corals and increases the growth of higher algae. Iron Fe...
Content 0.118 Liter (58.47€ * / 1 Liter)
6.90€ *
XTreme (118ml.)
XTreme (118ml.)
XTreme is a specially developed water conditioner for all marine and freshwater aquariums. XTreme prevents a dangerous increase of ammonium/ammonia and nitrite, removes chlorine/chloramines as well as heavy metals and protects the mucosa...
Content 0.118 Liter (58.47€ * / 1 Liter)
6.90€ * 9.90€ *
10 From 122
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