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Angle 90° da32 - PVC moulding
Angle 90° da32 - PVC moulding
PVC angle 90° for pipe diameter 32 mm
2.90€ *
Plastic tweezers
Plastic tweezers
2.90€ *
Pictocolumbella ocellata - Täubchenschnecke
Pictocolumbella ocellata - Täubchenschnecke
Pictocolumbella ocellata - Täubchenschnecke ©Foto: Jung Vorkommen: Indischer Ozean Indopazifik Madagaskar West-Pazifik Ernährung: Es liegen keine gesicherten Informationen vor Maximale Körpergröße: 0,5 - 2 cm Beckengrösse: 50 L...
2.90€ *
Nassarius vibex - karibische Wellhornschnecke
Nassarius vibex - karibische Wellhornschnecke
Nassarius vibex - karibische Wellhornschnecke ©Foto: Lam Vorkommen: Belize Brasilien Costa Rica Florida Golf von Mexiko Jamaika Karibik Kolumbien Kuba Mexiko (Ostpazifik) Nicaragua Panama Puerto Rico Trinidad und Tobago USA Venezuela...
2.90€ *
Nassarius spec. - pazifische Reusenschnecke
Nassarius spec. - pazifische Reusenschnecke
Nassarius spec. - pazifische Reusenschnecke ©Foto: Jung Vorkommen: Afrika Indonesien Indopazifik Kenia Madagaskar Malaysia Mauritius Myanmar (ehem. Birma) Neukaledonien Ost-Afrika Palau Philippinen Süd-Afrika Taiwan Thailand West-Pazifik...
2.90€ *
Coral Construct 5 g
Coral Construct 5 g
Coral Construct is the solution to many of the problems encountered when setting up freshwater and marine aquariums. Stone structures can be securely fixed. Many invertebrates are imported on stones that are too small and are difficult...
Content 0.005 Kilogramm (598.00€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
2.99€ *
Tropical Flakes 15g - Fresh water flake food
Tropical Flakes 15g - Fresh water flake food
These flakes are tasty, easily digestible and balanced. In addition to the main ingredients, a mixture of algae, natural pigments and minerals ensures good health and a splendid colouring of your fish. Features: Suitable for all tropical...
Content 0.015 Kilogramm (199.33€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
2.99€ *
Bogen 90° aus Rohr (10 PN)
Bogen 90° aus Rohr (10 PN)
Bogen 90° aus Rohr (10 PN)
From 3.00€ *
Kreuzstück Kreuzstück PVC U Klebemuffe
From 3.00€ *
Stand complete - UP/NL 300/500/1000
Stand complete - UP/NL 300/500/1000
3.11€ *
Foam cartridge - for New Line 300
Foam cartridge - for New Line 300
3.11€ *
Bogen 90° aus Spritzguß
Bogen 90° aus Spritzguß
Bogen 90° aus Spritzguß.
3.37€ *
Ceramic axis for UP 300/500
Ceramic axis for UP 300/500
3.40€ *
T-piece 90° da32 - PVC moulding
T-piece 90° da32 - PVC moulding
PVC T-piece 90° for pipe diameter 32 mm
3.40€ *
Hose nozzle da32 - PVC moulding
Hose nozzle da32 - PVC moulding
PVC hose nozzle 32mm
3.40€ *
Goldfish Pellets (S) 1.5mm 60g - Cold water/goldfish pellets
Goldfish Pellets (S) 1.5mm 60g - Cold...
VITALIS GOLDFISH PELLETS 1,5MM These pellets are tasty, easily digestible and balanced. In addition to the main ingredients, a mixture of algae, natural pigments and minerals ensures good health and a splendid colouration of your fish....
Content 0.06 Kilogramm (58.17€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
3.49€ *
Ceramic axis for UP 1000
Ceramic axis for UP 1000
3.50€ *
Artemia, large - 100gr, blister
Artemia, large - 100gr, blister
3.50€ *
cockle meat - 100gr, blister
cockle meat - 100gr, blister
3.50€ *
25 mm pipe - PVC pipe, price per meter
25 mm pipe - PVC pipe, price per meter
PVC pressure pipe outer diameter 25 mm
3.50€ *
Hose nozzle da10 - PVC moulding
Hose nozzle da10 - PVC moulding
PVC hose nozzle 10mm
3.50€ *
Hose nozzle da12 - PVC moulding
Hose nozzle da12 - PVC moulding
PVC hose nozzle 12mm
3.50€ *
Nerita polita - Algenschnecke
Nerita polita - Algenschnecke
Nerita polita - Algenschnecke ©Foto: Vorkommen: Australien Indischer Ozean Indopazifik Kenia Mosambik Rotes Meer Seychellen Tansania Ernährung: Algen Maximale Körpergröße: 3 - 4 cm Beckengrösse: 50 L Temperatur: 22 - 27 °C Karbonathärte:...
3.50€ * 3.95€ *
5 From 122
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