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AquaHomeTest PO4 Refill Set - Phosphate test for marine aquariums
AquaHomeTest PO4 Refill Set - Phosphate test...
Practical refill kit of test reagents for the Aqua Home PO4 test. The Fauna Marin Phosphate Test has a very high resolution and can determine the phosphate concentration with a particularly high accuracy in the low concentration range...
14.95€ *
Calcium per pure 750g can
Calcium per pure 750g can
Calcium pro pure is pure calcium chloride It can either be used to prepare a stock solution or added directly to the aquarium. Prepare stock solution: Put 750g calcium per pure into a measuring cup and fill up to 2000ml with osmosis...
Content 0.75 Kilogramm (19.93€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
14.95€ *
Magnesium per pure 1000g can
Magnesium per pure 1000g can
Magnesium pro pure is a ready-to-use mixture of magnesium chloride hexahydrate and magnesium sulphate heptahydrate. This mixture does not cause a shift in the ion balance during application. It can either be used to prepare a stock...
Content 1 Kilogramm
14.95€ *
NutriVital Plus 0,7mm 285ml
NutriVital Plus 0,7mm 285ml
Supplementary food for all saltwater fish Hint: For constant health maintenance by compensating for deficiencies, we recommend adding NutriVital Plus to 30% of your feed. Every day. This feed may only be fed up to 65% of the daily ration...
Content 0.285 Liter (52.46€ * / 1 Liter)
14.95€ *
NutriVital Plus 1,8mm 285ml
NutriVital Plus 1,8mm 285ml
Supplementary food for all saltwater fish Hint: For constant health maintenance by compensating for deficiencies, we recommend adding NutriVital Plus to 30% of your feed. Every day. This feed may only be fed up to 65% of the daily ration...
Content 0.285 Liter (52.46€ * / 1 Liter)
14.95€ *
NutriVital Plus 2,5mm 285ml
NutriVital Plus 2,5mm 285ml
Supplementary food for all saltwater fish Hint: For constant health maintenance by compensating for deficiencies, we recommend adding NutriVital Plus to 30% of your feed. Every day. This feed may only be fed up to 65% of the daily ration...
Content 0.285 Liter (52.46€ * / 1 Liter)
14.95€ *
Ceramic knives
Ceramic knives
Ceramic knives Never again a rusting blade ! For cutting shoots of soft and leather corals or Opening of fish transport bags or Cutting fish food Blade length 10cm Only cut on plastic or wooden base !
Content 1
14.95€ *
NutriVital Colour 0,6-0,9mm 285ml
NutriVital Colour 0,6-0,9mm 285ml
Complete food for all coloured saltwater fish For additional vitamin supply and full colour development of your fish. Especially for intensifying the red and blue tones of coloured fish. Contains a natural xanthine content of 1000mg/kg...
Content 0.285 Liter (52.46€ * / 1 Liter)
14.95€ *
NutriVital Colour 1,4-2,2mm 285ml
NutriVital Colour 1,4-2,2mm 285ml
Complete food for all coloured saltwater fish For additional vitamin supply and full colour development of your fish. Especially for intensifying the red and blue tones of coloured fish. Contains a natural xanthine content of 1000mg/kg...
Content 0.285 Liter (52.46€ * / 1 Liter)
14.95€ *
NutriVital Paste Spirulina 125g
NutriVital Paste Spirulina 125g
NutriMarine Paste is a ready-to-use feed paste. NutriMarine paste does not need to be stored refrigerated. The ability to apply NutriMarine paste to stones or even glass panes makes it ideal for providing a readily available and high...
Content 0.125 Kilogramm (119.60€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
14.95€ *
NutriVital paste Artemia 125g
NutriVital paste Artemia 125g
NutriMarine Paste is a ready-to-use feed paste. NutriMarine paste does not need to be stored refrigerated. The ability to apply NutriMarine paste to stones or even glass panes makes it ideal for providing a readily available and high...
Content 0.125 Kilogramm (119.60€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
14.95€ *
Rowa lime (500ml)
Rowa lime (500ml)
ROWAkalk - ROWAkalk is the ideal mixture to produce lime water. - has a purity of 98,2% - dissolves quickly in reverse osmosis water - is suitable for both mechanical and the application in a lime water reactor/lime water mixer
Content 0.5 Liter (29.90€ * / 1 Liter)
14.95€ *
Carbonat pro instant
Carbonat pro instant
Sofort verfügbare Carbonathärte + pH Puffer In der Meerwasseraquaristik ist die Stabilität des pH-Wertes von entscheidender Bedeutung. Carbonat pro instant ist ein spezieller Puffer und Karbonathärte (kH) -Bildner, der dafür sorgt, dass...
Content 1 Kilogramm
From 14.95€ *
Calcium pro instant
Calcium pro instant
Calcium pro instant Im Meerwasseraquarium werden große Mengen an Calcium und Magnesium benötigt. Calcium pro instant ist ein gebrauchsfertiger Calcium-Mix. Es kann entweder zum Ansetzten einer Stammlösung verwendet oder direkt dem...
Content 0.75 Kilogramm (19.93€ * / 1 Kilogramm)
From 14.95€ *
Magnesium pro instant
Magnesium pro instant
Magnesium pro instant Im Meerwasseraquarium werden große Mengen an Calcium und Magnesium benötigt. Magnesium pro instant ist ein gebrauchsfertiger Magnesium-Mix. Er kann entweder zum Ansetzten einer Stammlösung verwendet oder direkt dem...
Content 1 Kilogramm
From 14.95€ *
Mineral pro instant
Mineral pro instant
Mineral pro instant Natriumchloridfreies Meersalz / Mineralsalz für Umkehrosmosewasser Meersalz enthält rund 78% Kochsalz (NaCL2) als Hauptbestandteil. Durch die Aufhärtung nach der Balling-Methode entsteht neben Calcium auch eine grosse...
Content 1 Kilogramm
From 14.95€ *
Aquarien-Regelheizer - Aus stabilem Quarzglas - Präzision Temperaturregelung 20 - 32°C - Voll eintauchbar (Wasserdicht) - Kontrollleuchte zeigt Heizfunktion an - Kabellänge 150 cm - Inklusive 2 Saughalter
Content 1
From 14.95€ *
FaunaM-Coral Plankton
FaunaM-Coral Plankton
Coral Plankton (Cyclops-Plankton) 100% NATURAL CORAL PLANKTON 100 ml Einzelfuttermittel für alle Fische und Korallen: Cyclops-Plankton besteht aus echtem Cyclops-Plankton nachhaltig gezüchtet und probiotisch angereichert sofortige und...
Content 0.1 Liter (149.50€ * / 1 Liter)
From 14.95€ *
H2Ocean PVC Schlauch-Set Bunt für P4-Pro
H2Ocean PVC Schlauch-Set Bunt für P4-Pro
Inhalt: Schlauch (2m) je 1 x rot 1 x blau 1 x grün 1x gelb
Content 0.2
14.95€ *
H2O 1,4"- PVC-Schlauch-Set B/O/W 10m - für Osmoseanlage
H2O 1,4"- PVC-Schlauch-Set B/O/W 10m - für...
H2O 1,4"- PVC-Schlauch-Set B/O/W 10m - für Osmoseanlage Inhalt: 1 PVC-Schlauch Blau 1 PVC-Schlauch Orange 1 PVC-Schlauch Weiß je 10m
Content 0.4
14.95€ *
FaunaM-Artic Plankton
FaunaM-Artic Plankton
100% NATURAL ARCTIC PLANKTON besteht aus echtem arktischen Mysis relicta aus kanadischen Gletscherseen. Frisch gefangen und schonend konserviert Für Fische und Korallen Einfache Anwendung und Dosierung Kein Auftauen mehr notwendig Hohe...
Content 0.1 Liter (149.50€ * / 1 Liter)
14.95€ *
Seneye cleaner
Seneye cleaner
Gentle cleaner for the maintenance of your Seneye
14.99€ *
TM Nano Shake & Make 10 l
TM Nano Shake & Make 10 l
Space-saving folding canister for easy water change. Nano aquariums have also found their place in seawater aquaristics. The small decorative aquarium makes fewer demands on the technology and daily care. The Tropic Marin® NANO Shake &...
14.99€ *
27 From 121
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